Purapura Whetu Trust


CURRENT STATUS: Most services operating



Contact person:  Administration
Position:  Administrator
Email address:  tari@pw.maori.nz
Phone:  (03) 379 8001
Fax:  (03) 379 8003
Facebook:  Purapura Whetu Trust


1)  He Taonga Te Mokopuna - This whanau inclusive programme aimed at maori whanau who have tamariki aged 7 - 13 who are affected by mental health or live with a whanau member (i.e. parent/caregiver) who is affected by mental health or considered "at risk" and early intervention is considered appropriate. A range of options is available. 
2)  Te Hiringa - This whanau inclusive programme is aimed at maori whanau who have taiohi aged 14 - 18 who are affected by mental health or live with a whanau member (i.e. parent/caregiver) who is affected by mental health or considered "at risk" and early intervention is considered appropriate. A range of options is available.
3)  Mapihi Maurea - This group programme offers a range of challenging activities in the local community. These activities are chosen based the level of challenge required for the group participants taking into account age, ability, gender, spirituality and any pre-existing special requirements. The programme is offered to tamariki and taiohi who are currently in our He Taonga Te Mokopuna Programme and Te Hiringa programme.
4)  Nga Whetu - This is a one to one intervention and prevention programme for adults who are currently experiencing issues that affect their mental health or who have a current mental health diagnosis and require support for themselves and their whanau.
5)  Nga Reiputa. mokopuna that embraces iwi, hapu and whanau entering into a journey of "legacy discovery" incorporating aspects of Te Ao Kohatu and Te Ao Hurihuri. This programme is designed to ensure that problematic issues associated with losing
Maori cultural identity are negated by fostering intergenerational activities that enable elders to pass gifts down to their mokopuna.




Purapura Whetu Trust was initiated in 2002 to address the mental health and welfare needs within the local Maori community. The Trust currently provides community based kaupapa Maori mental health services to adults, adolescents, children and their whanau.
We offer a range of options that are free to:
- Adults who are currently experiencing issues that affect their mental health or who have a current mental health diagnosis and require support for themselves and their whanau.
- Children and adolescents who are currently experiencing issues with their mental health or are considered "at risk" and early intervention is considered appropriate.
- Whanau who are requiring support and education with a member of their whanau who is affected by a mental health disorder.