Dress for Success Christchurch
CURRENT STATUS: Fully operational and open for business!
- Contact person: Debra Taylor-Hayhurst
- Position: Executive Director
- Email: christchurch@dressforsuccess.org
- Phone: 03-343-3241
- Mobile: 021-343-241
- Fax: 03-343 3271
- Address: P O Box 8833, Riccarton 8440
- Address: 149 Peverel Street, Riccarton 8041
- Website: www.dressforsuccess.org/christchurch
- Facebook:www.facebook.com/DressforSuccessChristchurch
- OPENING TIMES - We are open business hours - Monday - Friday from 9.00 am - 5.00 pm
- 1) Dressings: Available by appointment - Monday - Friday from 10.00 am - 2.00 pm via our referral agencies
- 2) Career Information Centre: Women unsuccessful after their job interview are invited to access this service where they are offered free career guidance, advice and support. A hub for information by working in partnership with other agencies.
- 3) Professional Women's Group: (Job Retention & Leadership Programme) - For women who have been dressed by us and successfully gained employment; a 10-month programme which meets monthly (last Tuesday of the month) from 5.30 pm - 7.30 pm; helping women stay in the job
- 4) Referral Process: Women who are on low or not income, actively seeking employment and wanting interview clothing and accessories, career information and advice should ask the agency that is supporting them, tertiary course leader or W & I case manager to be referred to us to use our FREE holistic wraparound service assisting your in entering or returning to the workforce. Check out our website on our referral agency page for a list of our referral agencies.
Work / Interview appropriate clothing: Excellent condition; all sizes needed; good quality shoes; jewellery; handbags; accessories e.g. scarves new cosmetics; new / unworn lingerie
LAST UPDATED: 17 September 2014
We do welcome tidy-casual, designer and evening wear for our charity events
Drop Off Points: Any Maxwell's Dry Cleaners in Christchurch
Interested in being a Volunteer Stylist? Contact Debs and ask for a Volunteer Job Description and Volunteer Application Form or check out our website on the volunteer page
Please ring our Executive Director, Debs, who will be happy to assist if you have any queries or require some assistance with accessing our FREE services.